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Via Filippino Lippi 32, 20131 Milano (Italy)

Restaurant 2.0

In 2019 it was estimated that the food & restaurant sector in Europe would have grown grow by 30% over the next 10 years (source: Global Food Service Forum, July 2019) from € 600 billion in sales to € 780 billion. The pandemic then forced all operators in the sector to revise their estimates for the future and their business model.

Today, restaurants are at the center of a process of social and technological evolution, with a sharp increase in costs: delivery fees are over 30% and the food cost has increased by 65% ​​since 2020.

The numbers of market show a sector which is widely fragmented and defined by a high impact of costs on total production value. New social, economical and technological trends are already in place and represent immense opportunities of growth and still obstacles for operations.

Product innovation and service flexibility are essential to build customer loyalty and increasing profitability. This is a sector that cannot afford to further affect the average bill.

Conscious use of big data is the key.

Request your free copy of the paper
"How restaurants and food service companies can boost their revenues and occupancy, with the effective use of data analytics"
written by Andrea Torassa and Emilio Zunino of Maiora Solutions, in collaboration with the European Pricing Platform (EPP)

    "Full comprehension and data analysis allow the restaurant to improve customer experience and financial perfomance, especially during crisis times. Product (menu), Price, Location and Space are the key elements to optimize through the conscious use of big data , to project the restaurant business into the future.


    Changes in customer preferences, consumption opportunities and reference market, present opportunities for increasing sales and average bill, through menu differentiation.


    Each dish presents variations in demand, based on week day, time of the day, customer segment and also in relation to the other dishes price. A dynamic price backed by data stimulates demand and increases margins.


    Each restaurant of the same chain presents specific opportunities, based on the target market. Menus, prices and offers differentiated by point of sale allow you to improve the performance of the entire chain.


    Restrictions imposed by Covid-19 require an optimization of kitchen capacity, to be split between seat-in and delivery. This may vary according to the time of day and days of the week.

    Want to know more? Contact us!

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